







  My Teacher's Handkerchief

  I preserve① a handkerchief. It looks very ordinary but it's quite special to me. Every time I look at it, the kind face of Ms. Lin, my primary school teacher, appears before my eyes. The sight of the handkerchief 6 recalls my primary school days.

  One morning I received my maths test paper. When I saw that I had got only 68 marks, I couldn't help crying. Ms. Lin, who had entered the classroom at that moment, took out her handkerchief and wiped the tears from my face. “Don't be depressed②,” she said. “You'll he able to catch up with your classmates.” Then she began to explain my mistakes.

  Another time, during a sports meet, I was so careless that I tripped③ over a stone and fell. Blood kept oozing④ out of my head. My classmates were so frightened that they did not know what to do. Just then, Ms. Lin hurried up to me. She took out her handkerchief, dressed my wound and sent me to the hospital.

  All these happened a long time ago. Now I am a senior middle school student. Last year, I went to visit Ms. Lin with some of my primary school classmates. I asked for her handkerchief and she gave it to me. To me, it is dearer than anything else in the world. It fully shows a teacher's love for her students. It encourages me to work hard and study well. I will keep this handkerchief forever.



  ①preserve [pri'z+:v] v.保存;保藏

  ②depressed [di'prest] a.意气沮丧的;消沉的

  ③trip [trip] v.绊;绊倒

  ④ooze [u:z] v.渗出;冒出;分泌出




老人走3公里还债 老饕 老鲨嘴 老饕赋 老餮 老赖身份证能坐车么 老鬓莫凝霜 老鬓欲成霜
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