

  What happened?Old Henry and his neighbors are performing in a play.They look very funny.The first man is Old Henry,he is older than the others people.He is short and is of medium build.He has small eyes and asmall beard.Look!This is a Teeny.She is very lovely.Who is the man with short curly brown hair?He is a Hugeman.He is very tall and strong.He has a medium nose and he wears a bule short.What is the woman doing?ha-ha,I think she is talk withthe otherman.She is also tall and is very thin.she has beautiful blonde hair and she wears a pair of earring in her ears.She is a Dreamer.Her dream may be being an outgoing dancer.She likes purple very much and she is usually in purple.The man next toher is a Wishman with a little hair.He has a too big nose on his face.He wears a pair of glasses.He wears a blue uniform and he has a office bag under his left arm.He is of medium height and he is of medium build.

  These people’sclothes are colorful.I think it is very interesting!Do you think so?


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