

  Spring the girl went gently, the fragrance of flower, spring the faint scent of day also subsequently parting, wear only the aureate memory perpetuation that spring leaves, for a long time does not go... this spring is special to us, this has been us the last spring that 28 classmates spend together, we are cherished all the more. This spring and differ greatly before, quarrel, cerebrum... disharmonious thing each disappears from the scene, those who replace is mirth, solidarity... and do not say to be the same as the mutual help between the desk, when also telling spring outing spend difficulty in all, more do not discuss the care like the family member, but tell tell this athletic meeting. The athlete goes all out do one‘s best of one mind is class win honour for, cheering squad calls broken voice to be cheered to team member, classmates the pen does not stop n cultivated land contribute is contended forclass of optimal conduct propaganda... special spring, aureate memory -- lasting!


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