


  have you even been to hong kong ? this summer holiday, i had travelled to hong kong with many other students. we went to hong kong by plane. hong kong is very small, but there are many people living there.

  in hong kong, all of the buildings are very tall. there are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. in hong kong, things are very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs.

  we went to lots of places, such as the avenue of stars and ocean park. i like ocean park best. the park is very big. sitting in the cable car, you can see two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. some students were afraid of sitting in the cable car!

  we stayed in the shu ren college. there are many big trees around it. we had meals in the restaurants, but i didn’t like the food.

  hong kong is very beautiful. i like hong kong and i hope to go there again some day.


  hong kong is located in southern china in east asia and and facing the south china sea ,wellknown international city.

  the territory's 1,104 km2 land area consists primarily of hong kong island,lantau island,kowloon peninsula and the new territories as well as some other islands.

  hong kong became a dependent territory of the united kingdom for 99 years and remained to the people's republic of china in on 1 july 1997.

  hong kong is one of the asia's leading traveling capitals,named shopping heaven.


  officially the hong kong special administrative region of the people's republic of china, is a largely self-governing territory of the people's republic of china (prc), facing the guangdong province in the north and the south china sea to the east, west and south. a british dependent territory until 199, hong kong has a highly developed capitalist economy and enjoys a high degree of autonomy from the prc under the "one country, two systems" policy.beginning as a trading port, hong kong became a crown colony (later dependent territory) of the united kingdom in 1842, and remained so until its transfer of sovereignty to the people's republic of china in 199. under the "one country, two systems" policy, hong kong enjoys considerable autonomy in all areas with the exception of foreign affairs and defence (which are the responsibility of the prc government). as part of this arrangement, hong kong continues to maintain its own currency, separate legal, political systems and other aspects that concern its way of life, many of which are distinct from those of mainland china.renowned for its expansive skyline and natural setting, its identity as a cosmopolitan centre where east meets west is reflected in its cuisine, cinema, music and traditions.[15] although the population is predominantly chinese, residents and expatriates of other ethnicities form a small but significant segment of society. with a population of million people, but only 1,108 km2 (428 sq mi) of land, hong kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.


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