

  doing well on eaminations is so important in your life that you are always judged by the scores you get. so it is always wise to get yourself well prepared before the eamination begins.

  the first thing to do is to start reviewing well before the eam. you should start your review at least two months beforehand. before starting any review, you need to know your best time for studying. some people find it best to get up early and study before breakfast. other people find that their minds are more active in the evening. try studying at different time to find out when your brain is most receptive. you should a lways make up a timetable for your review. this is particularly important if you have several subjects to study. and once you set yourself a timetable, stick to it. dont give in to the temptation to watch tv or go out with friends--there will be plentyof time for that sort of thing after the eams. but do make sure your timetable includes regular short breaks. no one can concentrate nonstop, and we all work best if we take a few minutes break everyhalf hour or so. its a good idea to use more than your tetbook and note for review. try to find another book on the subject you are studying, and trade notes with a classmate. you may be so familiar with your usual books and notes that you will not take too much notice of what is in them. using new books and notes will stimulate your mind and perhaps give you some fresh ideas on the subject.

  you may find it worthwhile to review with a friend of the same ability as yourself. your study periods will be more interesting as a result, because you can discuss the subject, ask one another questions, and pinpoint areas that are unclear to you so that you can give them etra attention. this is much more educational than trying to learn a subject parrot fashion.


如何准备省考 英语专四如何准备
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