



  Good afternoon, everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is “My Attitude to Pursuit of Fashion in School”.

  Now in our school there is a hot pursuit of fashion. Some students live a very expensive life. They have the same hairstyles as their favorable stars and wear top brand of clothes and shoes. Some use expensive mobile phones.

  The reasons why they do so are as follows. Firstly, they hope to look smart and special. Secondly, they want to win others’ admiration and respect. In addition, it makes them feel cool .

  As far as I am concerned, we students should hold the right sense of values. We should practice thrift in our daily life because it is one of our Chinese traditional virtues. What’s more , it is advisable for us to donate some pocket money to the Hope Project so that those poor children in rural areas can return to school to receive normal education. Last but not least, it is the inner beauty rather than our appearance that makes us respectable.

  Thank you for listening!


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Good afternoon!

  It’s my honor to stand here to give a speech with the title of “Dreams Lighten My Life”. I’m Li Hua, a seventeen-year-old school boy, who loves my own country China very much and is interested in the astronomy.

  Everyone has dreams. I fall in love with astronomy since I was just seven years old and I am always addicted to everything about astronomy so I have been always dreaming to be an astronomer. I enjoy the feeling when I lay under the smooth moonlight and greet back to thousands of stars when they greet me though blinking their eyes. To explore the universe is always my desire, no matter through the telescope or visiting the universe in a spaceship on my own.

  But I won’t let the dream just be a dream. I’ll make it light my life though my action. Now my dream is guiding me work for the life being an astronomer. I study hard in all my subjects and especially physics. I also read various books about astronomy in my spear time such as the brief history of time, the relativity and some astronomy text books used in college. In order to help me understand what I read from books better I join some MOOCs. Accumulating knowledge day by day, I am working hard to achieve my dream.

  All in all, being an astronomer is my great dream which is leading and will continuously guiding my life and is sure to lighten my whole life as long as I follow it and keep working hard towards it. And I believe anyone who has a dream and work hard on it will finally achieve it.

  Thank you!


  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to this year’s English speech competition. In order to improve the abilities of both English speaking and listening, we continue to hold the English speech competition. I believe it will be of great help to form the good habit of reading, too.

  There are some important points every speaker should be aware of. Please listen to me carefully. First of all, the speech must be finished within five minutes. Second, you should speak fluent English. At last, everyone should pronounce correctly. We expect to hear the fluent expression and standard pronunciation.

  Finally, I’d like to wish the competition a great success and I hope every competitor can perform at your best!


  Good afternoon, everybody,

  The national student sports program, waged by the Ministry of Education and aimed at improving students health, was held from 10:00a.m.~11:00a.m.on April 29,2007 in many primary and middle schools all over China. Almost 11 million students in Jiangsu province participated in this program.

  The Ministry of Education advocates that we do exercises for one hour a day and can work healthily for 50 years. Our whole life will be very enjoyable.

  In my opinion, we senior high school students should do exercises for one hour a day even though our spare time is limited. Health is a basic condition for our study. If we did not do exercises, we wouldn’t be able to get good study records. So every one of you, join the program now!







5.高考英语的作文:My School




9.Newspapers and Websites高考英语作文



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