

  1.From the statistics given in chart,we conclude that __________ .

  2.The number of__________nearly doubled,as compared with those__________of last year.

  3.The percentage of__________almost doubled,aS compared with that__________of last year.

  4.The figure increaSed more than six times compared With__________.

  5.The number dropped almost twice compared with__________.

  6.The percentage decreased about two and a halftimes compared With__________.

  7.The percentage is twice as much as that of__________.

  8.The number is four times as much as that of__________.

  9.The percentage is half as much as that of__________.

  10.The rate was A percent,less than a half of the total.

  11.According to the chart/graph,__________.

  12.As can be seen from the table__________.

  13.As shown in the diagram__________.

  14.It is clear/apparent from the figure/statistics__________.

  15.The chart reveals that__________.

  16.The graph shows that __________ .

  17.The table suggests that __________.

  18.The diagram suggests that__________.


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