



Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration.At most times,we enjoy music like symphonic music.Even pop music,there is needn"t to understand what are they wanting to tell us.We just need to hear it carefully.Therefore,music shouldn"t have national boundaries.

According to my personal experience,music has a more positive effect on our life.When we are in a blue mood,we could listen to some foreigner song.Such as,My Love,the Funeral of Hearts and Close to the flame etc.The music is that we needn"t to realize what are they singing.When you listen to their rhythm and style,you will feel your heart be touched and shake in a blue mood.Then,you will be enlightened and acquire power.

On the other hand,different music could promote society develop.As everyone knows,KFC and Mcdonald"s are popular in China,as well as,there is nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a hamburger in these store.There are three major reasons and other details.The foremost reason first one is convenience.Second is save time.The third is delicious.However,the detail is also essential for the fast-food store.Music is one of them.The music rhythm is factor that if they play a smooth music,the customer will find the taste of food better.If the store plays a rapid pace of music,people will eat their food more speedily when the store is rush time.That will provide more desk and table for client to available.

Music has more effect and application of us around that I was not mentioned.In a word,music helps country and people more good than harm.


There are two important kinds of music in the world --one is written down and the other is not. Many people earn their living by writing music. They write songs for popstars and music for films and TV plays. They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played. Folk music has been passed down from one goneration to another. At first it was never written down. Pe ple learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village. These songs were about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people"s lives. Early performers of music were popular and respected.They used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago. This was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema. Many of the country people could neither read nor write. In this way stories were passed on from one person to another. This continues in some countries even today. In some parts of the world nowadays, you often see musicians performing in the streets to passers-by. They put a cap on the ground in front of them, so that people who like the music can drop coins into it.


Music is a kind of beautiful enjoyment, it makes me happy, makes me feel better. The music brought joy to people!

The grass to listen to music, grow more and more flourishing, more and more green. Several long more and more high wood to listen to the concert. People listen to the music is good, can relieve pain, fatigue, also can turn a bad mood into a good mood, still can make people happy, let people follow the music dance dance to.

If the world without music, the grass will not listen to music, will wither. The trees will not thrive without the music, also won"t grow taller. People won"t listen to the music, will feel very lonely, lonely, will feel very depressed.

He said mom and dad!!!! They go to work, a day"s hard work, come back in the evening to listen to music, relax the mood, relieve the body of a long day, also can relieve fatigue.

Grandma is very lonely one day, I went to school in the morning, mom and dad go to work, my grandfather has also gone out to the park. Grandma leg is not good, is more walk leg ache, so grandma had to stay at home. Grandma do not work, just listen to music at home, so she didn"t feel lonely, also have things to do.

People alive, be without music, without music, the world will be very pale, our life is monotonous, boring, so the music is very important to us.


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