英语儿歌:The Bear歌词


  The other day,I met a bear.

  A way up there,a great big bear, The other day,I met a bear.

  A great big bear,a way up there.

  He looked at me,I looked at him.

  He sized up me,I sized up him.

  He looked at me,I looked at him.

  He sized up me,I sized up him.

  He said to me,"Why don t you run?"

  "I see you don t have any gun."

  He said to me,"Why don t you run?"

  "I see you don t have any gun."

  And so I ran away from there,

  And right behind me was that bear.

  And so I ran away from there, And right behind me was that bear.

  Ahead of me I saw a tree, A great big tree,oh,golly gee.

  Ahead of me there saw a tree, A great big tree,oh,golly gee.

  The lowest branch was ten feet up, I had to jump and trust my luck,

  The lowest branch was ten feet up, I had to jump and trust my luck,

  And so I jumped into the air, And missed that branch away up there.

  And so I jumped into the air, And missed that branch away up there. Now don t you fret and don t you frown.

  I caught that branch on the way back down.

  Now don t you fret and don t you frown.

  I caught that branch on the way back down.

  That s all there is,there is no more.

  Until I meet that bear once more.

  That s all there is,there is no more Until I meet that bear once more.

  The end,the end,the end,the end. This time it really is the end!


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