


  无职衔的男子:mr. wang/zhang

  已婚女子:mrs wang/zhao

  未婚女子:miss wang/zhang

  博士:dr. zhang

  教授:pro. lin


  如:dear dr. smith/dear madam/dear sir





  best wishes!/ good luck!/give my best wishes to your family!/looking forward to your reply!


  sincerely yours/yours sincerely/truly yours/yours respectfully/respectfully yours


  17th dec.

  dear mother and father,

  i feel very excited at the thought that in another week i shall be with you again on holiday. i have enjoyed my stay in england very much indeed. mr. dowson and my fellow students are all very nice to me. but, as they say in england, “there’s no place like home,” and i think one feels this above all at christmas time.

  i am leaving here early on thursday, the 23rd, and i shall arrive in basle on friday morning, so i shall be home somewhere about lunch time. can you meet me at the station, as i shall have a lot of luggage?

  i’ve got some christmas presents for you all. i’m not going to tell you what your presents are, so it will be a surprise. i hope you will like them.

  how are you all at home? i hope you are all keeping well. see that father always puts on his big coat when he goes out, so that he doesn’t catch cold. i can’t say how much i want to see you and my brother all again.

  love and all good wishes,



  dear 1 ,

  i would like to apply for a position in your company. 2 .

  i enclose my resume which describes my education and work experience. 3 .

  i would appreciate it very much if you could give me a chance. i look forward to your reply.

  yours sincerely,



  ① 正确的称谓

  ② 信息来源及求职原因

  ③ 具体介绍自己的情况及适合这职位的原因

  ④ 署名


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