Sydney 游记英文作文200字


  If Sydney is crowned as New York of South Pacific Ocean, then, Melbourne can be said as London here.

  This is an ancient city, and meanwhile a beautiful ‘garden city’, streets are orderly paved like chessboard, various buildings of both ancient and modern styles are harmoniously blended, there are quite a few operas and Broadway musicals on show here everyday.

  This is also Australia’s residential center for immigrants. Most of the immigrants who flocked into Australia live in Melbourne and Sydney. Immigrants started their new life here but keep their own traditions and customs. Wanna taste Italian food and drinks? Just go to Lygon street. Wanna know Chinese culture? Then visit China Town. In China Town, there are not only Chinese restaurants, but also Malaysian, Thailand and Japanese restaurants, so this is not just a window for you to get to know Chinese people, but a best place to know East Asian people and South East Asian people as well.

  Goods sold in China Town are quite unique. You’ll embrace a variety of choices and also reasonable prices, that’s why China Town is so popular among tourists. My companions all came back with large and small shopping bags, and reluctant to leave until they bought too much to carry.

  What worth mention, traveling in Melbourne, the most forgettable experience is to watch the homing of the smallest penguins in the world. In a place 140 kilometers south of Melbourne, there’s a tiny island called Philip. Every dusk, groups of penguins stagger back to their home. Their teeter when stepping onto the bank is extremely lovely.

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