


  Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?

  some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefitthem. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give specialcourses, discuss both side and give own opinion! (因材施教。拓展:学术教育与是非观教育、是否该学外语、大学生该博学还是更专业、上不上补习班、一起学还是独自学、老师和家长对孩子的影响、该不该分科、教育竞赛还是合作)

  University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some peoplethink universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjectsin addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (通才还是专才。拓展:年轻人就业、成年人教育、游学)

  Some people think young people should go to university to further their educationwhile others think they should been encouraged to work as car mechanics orbuilders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(教育的程度。拓展:是否该上大学、大学是否应理论实践相结合、短期教育与终身教育、学生是否应该打工)

  Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject.Do you agree or disagree。 (教育平等。拓展:农村学生教育、留学利弊、游学、学习态度、私立学校优缺点、教育投入)


  Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand, agree ordisagree? (科技进步。拓展:机器人危险吗、手机带来的影响、科技改变工作方式、科技改变生活方式、新技术加大贫富差距、计算机取代教师?电脑互联网带来的影响、信会不会消失)

  Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some peoplethink there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Withinthese factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others? (经济。拓展:是否应大力发展农业、城乡差距、国家成功标志、该不该交税、国家间经济互助)

  Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development,however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantagesof economic development outweigh the disadvantages? (经济)


  Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However,other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion. (动物保护)


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