


  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following statement:

  Fatalists believe that we must accept things as they are, that nothing can be done to change the world for the better. Martin Luther King had such people in mind when he remarked, The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict. Maya Angelou added,If you dont like omething, change it. And Phyllis Diller, putting it still another way, said, Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.


  The first step in making things better is to recognize that a problem exists. Please plan and write an essay in which you identify a school, local, national, or world condition or flaw that, in your opinion, needs to be corrected, and explain why you chose it.

  Maxs Essay

  A trend these days is to speak up about the worlds mistreatment of the environment. I am not just a tree hugger by saying that without improvement in environmental conditions, my generation and the future generations will suffer in ways too awful to even imagine. At the end of the day you can say the survival of mankind is hanging in the balance.

  Many countries exploit the Earths resources. In some countries, millions of acres of rainforest are being destroyed every year to make room for farmland or to cut lumber to export. Not only does this destroy the habitats of many animals, but kills species of trees and plants that may someday be found to cure cancer, AIDS, MS, or other diseases. In addition, rainforests produce the majority of the oxygen that we need to live. The bottom line is that by clear-cutting rainforests, we are beginning to suffocate ourselves to death.













sat满分多少 sat考试满分 sat满分2400还是1600
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