

  One of the most important aspects of a person is his or her job. Whether a person is a basketball star, high schoolteacher, or astronaut, it is the job that defines a persons life. Even schoolwork determines what daily activities one chooses to do. Work is the essential base of a persons livelihood and sets the daily schedule of a person and determines what people that person interacts with.

  One example is my schoolwork. I value my education and prioritize it, making sure that I complete my homework before I begin to relax. When I go home, I make it mandatory that my homework is done before I begin to do things required for my extracurricular activities or play. Vacations and doctor appointments are scheduled around my school year and school day respectively. The group of friends I decide to associate with is also determined by my academics. All of my friends also place their education first, giving all of us no temptations or pressure to go and do a fun activity before the work is done. This results in an environment that is based upon my schoolwork and facilitates my learning.

  Another example would be my fathers job as an airline pilot. Although a very good job, it requires him to work an extremely odd schedule. For example, he sometimes may not even be at home for an entire week and then may spend the next week not even working. However he and my family have learned how to deal with this. He gives us his monthly schedule of flights and we all schedule in time to spend with him. His days can range from coming to my soccer games, to going to one of my sisters ballet recitals, to chaperoning a field trip to Sea World. His friends are also, for the majority, from his work. Whenever he can, he schedules poker games with his copilots and also takes us to company parties. His best friend now is his main copilot and I can see that they have formed a bond of camaraderie.













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