
  • 发布时间:2021-08-21   浏览: 次   来源:诗歌   手机版


  he little knew the sorrow that was in his vacant chair;

  he never guessed theyd miss him, or hed surely have been there;

  he couldnt see his mother or the lump that filled her throat,

  or the tears that started falling as she read his hasty note;

  and he couldnt see his father, sitting sor- rowful and dumb,

  or he never would have written that he thought he couldnt come.

  he little knew the gladness that his presence would have made,

  and the joy it would have given, or he never would have stayed.

  he didnt know how hungry had the little mother grown

  once again to see her baby and to claim him for her own.

  he didnt guess the meaning of his visit christmas day

  or he never would have written that he couldnt get away.

  he couldnt see the fading of the cheeks that once were pink,

  and the silver in the tresses; and he didnt stop to think

  how the years are passing swiftly, and next christmas it might be

  there would be no home to visit and no mother dear to see.

  he didnt think about it -- ill not say he didnt care.

  he was heedless and forgetful or hed surely have been there.

  just sit down and write a letter -- it will make their heart strings hum

  with a tune of perfect gladness -- if youll tell them that youll come.


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