
  • 发布时间:2019-10-15   浏览: 次   来源:句子   手机版


  1. 不完整的句子

  (1) If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard. One of the hardest things that people do.

  If you find that writing is hard is because it is hard—one of the hardest things that people do.

  (2) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world. A gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

  Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

  Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.

  2. 分词短语作状语的错误

  Holding her in his arms, the moon hid behind the cloud.

  As soon as the moon hid behind the cloud, he held her in his arms.

  3. 修饰词错位

  (1) Romeo received word that Juliet was dead from another messenger.

  Romeo received word from another messenger that Juliet was dead.

  (2) After leaving the stage, the audience’s applause called the musicians back for an encore.

  After the musicians left the stage, the audience’s applause called them back for an encore.

  (3) Disruptive in the classroom, a teacher may become exasperated with hyperactive children.

  Disruptive in the classroom, hyperactive children may exasperate a teacher.

  4. 串句

  Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization, for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance, but when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

  Unproductive or uncooperative workers can seriously harm an organization; for this reason, employers need to have accurate information about employee performance. But when employees have full access to their own personnel files, co-workers and even supervisors will often find it difficult to give frank criticism of underachievers or to report troublemakers.

  5. 时态错误

  The researchers admitted that they falsified crucial data in the study.

  The researchers admitted that they had falsified crucial data in the study.

  6. 代词错误

  (1) Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take it our on others.

  Too often people either keep their feelings to themselves or take them our on others.

  (2) Each girl and boy must do their part to keep the home fires burning.

  Each girl and boy must do her or his part to keep the home fires burning.

  (3) This college has their own entrance requirements.

  This college has its own entrance requirements.

  (4) If one wishes to participate in the political process, you can begin by voting regularly.

  If one wishes to participate in the political process, one can begin by voting regularly.

  (5) The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, they thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

  The fire in the library was finally put out. For a while, the library staff thought an unhappy employee might have started it.

  7. 结构混乱

  Because Hemingway’s style is simple makes his writing accessible to all readers.

  Because Hemingway’s style is simple, his writing is accessible to all readers.

  Hemingway’s simple style makes his writing accessible to all readers.


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