

  The Ancient City of Ping Yao

  The ancient city of Pingyao in Shanxi Province in the central part of north China, was built in the Western Zhou Dynastyperiod (BC 827 ~ BC 782), Ming Dynasty 2003 (Year 1370) expansion of the 1980s 2700 years of history. So far, it has remained relatively intact, Ming and Qing (Year 1368 to 1911) period of the basic outlook of the county,Chinese Han nationality existing areas most complete ancient city.

  Pingyao was a late Qing Dynasty, China’s financial center, and China is the most complete preservation of the ancient county seat pattern.

  When Jin is the Spring and Autumn Warring States is the Zhao. Ping Qin Tao home county, in the County-home to the Wang clan living on the capital. Pingyao County, changed its name to the Northern Wei Dynasty. The late Qing Dynasty, with its headquarters in the Pingyao, there are more than 20 votes, more than half of the country’s total, and was called "the Wall Street of ancient China." The largest is a Emperor Daoguang’s Reign, "land of wealth" and the first world-famous Chinese votes, "Sheng-chang on."

  Pingyao now basically preserved, the county seat prototype Ming and Qing Dynasties, "Turtle" City known. The street pattern as "soil" shaped, architectural layout of the Eight Diagrams are complying with the position, reflects the Ming and Qing Dynasties, urban planning ideas and shapes distribution. City and outside with all kinds of sites, ancient buildings 300 multiple, preserve the integrity of the Ming and Qing Dynasties houses nearly 4,000, street shops reflect historical original appearance, and has been called the study of Chinese ancient city of live specimens.

  The south gate of the city wall which in 2004 collapsed, the addition has been laid most of the rest is the existing larger, earlier history, a more complete preservation of the ancient city wall of Pingyao is the ancient city of the World Heritage the core component. In addition, the town of Temple,and Pingyao Confucian Temple are also included in the World Heritage areas of protection.

  Pingyao, located Fenhe the east coast and the southwest extremity of Taiyuan basin, and another national historical and cultural cities of Qixian County adjacent.railways, Dayun highway longitudinal. The economy was dominated by agriculture, the main producer of grain, cotton, specialty beef, such as push - lacquer ware. One beef considerable reputation, "Pingyao beef Taigu pie" folk song lyrics.

  Pingyao Ancient City is the preservation of integrity of the historic city of China, as well as the ancient city prototype. China is the most complete in a preserved ancient county seat, is China’s Han ethnic cities in the outstanding example of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, in the development of Chinese history, in order to show an extraordinary cultural, social, economic and religious development the ancient city of Pingyao complete picture scroll text in the preservation of China’s most complete an ancient county seat, is China’s Han ethnic cities in the outstanding example of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, in the development of Chinese history, in order to show an extraordinary cultural, and social , economic and religious development of the complete picture scroll.


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