


  Now people's living standards improved, the material is also rich. But people also produced a lot of living garbage around. Such as the home of a pile of used gouache paint box, throwing a pity, leaving not environmentally friendly, how to do? Oh! With! Remember the teacher said in the popular science class, you can put some of the old things in life transformation, The So I want them to "boom" off the same life, today I want to use people to ignore the Goufen Paint Box to do a novel and unique rattle.

  First of all, in the production of rattle before, we need to prepare the material: an abandoned powder paint box or a circular flat box, round beads two beads, a long nylon rope, a bamboo chopsticks.

  First, the nylon rope cut into two lengths equal to the length of the round box, put the wooden beads, and hit a knot at the end of the rope. The second step, respectively, in the round box side of the cone, the next, left and right four holes, left and right aperture to be able to pass through the nylon rope is appropriate. Up and down the aperture is slightly smaller than the bamboo chopsticks outside diameter. Will be with the beads of nylon rope from the left and right holes into the box to adjust the length of the rope outside the box to make the wooden beads from the horizontal direction to the middle of the box is appropriate, and then the box inside the rope tied to the knot, cover the box cover. The third step, the bamboo chopsticks from the bottom hole into the round box, so that the top of the chopsticks just stuck in the box above the hole. Side can be wrapped with one or two round tape to prevent the lid off. Finally, what is missing? Yes! Decoration! Use your favorite color cardboard to decorate the rattle, you can also use color strokes to draw your favorite pattern.

  Look! A beautiful and lovely rattling on this way out, with both hands back and forth rubbing, it issued the sound can be really nice! We also hands together! Do not need to spend money can get a fun gadgets Yo! Let us hands and brain, old things to transform, open low-carbon new life!


  Recently, the teacher taught us to learn to protect the environment, advocate us to do "low-carbon life." After school, I told the father and mother of this task.

  Mother said: low-carbon life is less open abroad to study the network car, to minimize the exhaust emissions, you can walk or ride a bike, summer, less open air conditioning, television do not look to be closed in time, so energy-saving, wash hands to immediately Close the faucet so as not to drop out of water, these are the so-called low-carbon life. The original, low-carbon life is from our little details of life to start it!

  I will be hot ironsmith: "We should spit new, change the past waste of water, electricity behavior. Now even the children also understand that waste of water and electricity resources is very shameful behavior, do you adults but also obsessed with it?

  Dad one by one with the same: "right, our society is too wasteful, many people make things contrary to conscience, we should stop such a thing!"

  My mother echoed: "Yes! We want to protect the environment, no longer let the earth dirty, no longer let the earth crying tears!

  I volunteered: "Otherwise, we have to be a low-carbon innovation!"

  Low-carbon life innovation Competition first "I": every morning, if the father's car ride in the road on the road, not only fuel consumption, but also pollute the environment, but riding a bike is different, not only can breathe fresh air, But also can improve my bike technology, more importantly, beautify the environment yo! "Three" full of the United States, draw to!

  Low-carbon life innovation Competition second father: "In the past I often boil all night light to the night, and the morning wash your teeth when the face is also drowsy even the faucet is not tight, and now I bought an alarm clock at 9 o'clock Must sleep, so not only improve the mental state also save water and electricity it!

  Low-carbon life innovation Competition third mother: "That I listen to the experts on television that now many housewives like to use fried, fried cooking methods, and made the room foul, so inverted cancer attack, but now I moved the kitchen to the yard, the birds were singing with me, the breeze and my dancing, so much life, and I seemed to see the health waving with me!

  You reach out a little bit of environmental protection, I reach out to a little bit of health, health favors in everyone more, low-carbon life from my start, everyone is a healthy messenger.


  In the past, I always put all the lights at home, all night, the water also let it drip from the evening to the morning, the refrigerator stuffed with all kinds of things, both waste water, and waste of electricity ... ...

  Since often heard the city in advocacy to promote low-carbon life, the teacher often said to do low-carbon environmental protection, and now I gradually understand, and gradually learn to protect the environment, saving resources, "low-carbon life."

  Low-carbon life, embodied in the details of life focus on energy saving. During the day and do not need to turn on the lights, the curtains opened, the room will be able to see very clearly, and at night in addition to homework and other necessary lights, the other lights can not open. I also developed a good habit of shut down, sometimes, my parents forget to turn off the lights, I will remind them to keep off the lights, saving electricity.

  Previously, my mother always want to wash the faucet when washing clothes, but after several times my "education", the mother has developed a good habit of saving water. And she has "blue out of blue than blue", and she put the water to wash the clothes together, used to flush the toilet. The family also raised many plants. Get up early every day with a burst of fresh air hit a full. So that I have a good mood every day. To buy things, I also try to bring their own bags, do not have a supermarket in the one-time bag.

  Under my leadership, my father and mother will always pay attention to "low-carbon life", not only that, my father and mother will be like classmates, family, colleagues publicity "low-carbon life", promote everyone, environmental life, active life. This is a "low-carbon family" will do things.

  "Low-carbon family" has a good home environment, but also full of environmentally friendly little joy. I believe that if every family can be like us, believe that our lives will be even better!


如何低碳生活英语作文 低碳生活英语作文120
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