

  文章摘要:可爱的小猫英语作文无聊中扬起脖子细细挑剔夜空,竟会感觉到如此完美的满月却也是如此这般的空洞?生死一瞬间,人生再没有比这更难选择的了,但这位高尚的工人用行动告诉了我们:让爱做主,灵魂将会永恒。那 时 , 我 们 家 刚 买 了 一 套 一 百 多 平 的 房 子 , 经 济 不 是 太 宽 裕 , 还 记 得 有 一 次 , 在 商 场 里 我 看 见 了 一 辆 儿 童 自 行 车 , 从 那 一 秒 我 就 就 开 始 闹 着 要 那 辆 儿 童 自 行 车。

  I love animals, such as cats, dogs, birds, even tigers and lions…. My ambition is to be a zoologist①.

  One day about three months ago, when I got home, Mum told me that she had bought me a little kitten②. I was so surprised that I couldn't help crying, "A kitten! Why, Mum, you don't like cats!"

  Mum didn't like cats or dogs at all. She was even afraid of cats. Several years ago we had a cat, and Mum was always complaining about it. If the cat jumped onto her seat, she would stand up at once and scream. But that day Mum bought a cat for me! How happy I was!

  The kitten is very pretty. Her small round head and small legs make her look like a woolen ball.

  At first, she seemed very shy and a little afraid. I touched her gently. "Don't be afraid. We all love you. Let us be good friends. From now on, this is your home. Well, I'll give you a name. Let's see…."

  "Well," Mum said with a smile, "I've been calling her ‘Mi-Mi’."

  "OK, so she has a name. But what does she eat?"

  "I've been told that she likes liver③ with rice. I've prepared some," Mum answered.

  With these words, Mum took out a small piece of liver, put it into a small dish, and added some rice to it. Then I put it in front of Mi-Mi. For a moment she seemed uneasy and nervous. But then she ate her meal with great satisfaction.

  She's a lovely creature. When we sit at the table to have dinner, she'll play around us. She likes to lie near our feet, with her face up, stretching her legs, and acting just like a naughty child. After dinner, I cook her meal. And while I'm cooking, she is always circling around my feet, rubbing my legs, and mewing④, seeming very anxious but happy.

  Every morning after I get up, I open the door of the sitting room to let her out. And then she'll happily mew at me, as if saying "Good morning". Every evening when I come back home, she'll run to me at once, rubbing against my legs to show that she's glad to see me. This is her way of greeting me.

  Mi-Mi seems like a member of our family and a special friend. Oh, what a lovely kitten!


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