
  • 发布时间:2019-08-15   浏览: 次   来源:书信   手机版



  Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad. Write a recommendation letter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.(推荐信)


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I’m writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.



  I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student. His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discussions and open debate really took me by great surprise. Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately. His insight into British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work. Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelor degree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Master’s degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor. Mr. Jiang has always been an honest person. He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going. Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.


  Now Mr. Jiang is applying to your prestigious university for a chance to continue his Ph.D research. I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommending him to be. And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address:……


  Truly yours

  Kenny Gao


  Kenny Gao


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